Friday, September 19, 2008

Falling in love again

September in New York, among other things, is time for Fall for Dance, one of my favorite festivals. Every night four or five very different dance companies, famous and new, local and international, each present a piece from their repertoire at City Center. It's an always mixed but always mind-expanding experience, introducing forms and traditions of dance you never knew existed... And it's just $10/seat (understandably, they sell out in a flash)! Last night, Shen Wei Dance Arts presented part of a deliciously fluid, by turns wiggly and elegant piece called "Maps"; Pichet Klunchun Dance Company performed a stately classical Thai dance with modern supplement, much of it in silent slow motion; Keigwin + Company had us all laughing our heads off at its irreverent but supremely dancerly moves to Handel, Chopin, Patsi Cline and hiphop; and then the men of the National Ballet of Canada performed Jiri Kilian's 1980 arrangement of Martinu's "Soldiers' Map," a bit heavy and heavy- handed after what came before. Not for everyone, every part of it, but something, one trusts, for everyone, and something new for all! And the audience - mostly amateur dancers and dance afficionados - is electric and electrified. Can't think of a better way of introducing someone to the world of dance.