Wednesday, December 07, 2011

I could use a hand or two or three

Past, present and future converge at this time of year, but this week is a more than usually all-over-the-place. At the end of Fall semester there's always the whiplash of wrapping up this semester's classes, preparing for next semester's classes, and planning the curricula for Religious Studies and the First Year Program for the two semesters after that. But this time I'm also planning a roundtable and a big conference for the Spring (Lived Religion, 2/23 and Queer Christianities 3/23-24), making arrangements for a trip to India, and finishing a book manuscript - oh, and this afternoon reading a revised excerpt of my essay on a course from last semester. So Spring '11, Fall '11, Spring '12, Fall '12 and Spring '13, all at once...