Tuesday, October 24, 2017

New it all

Rather late in the game, the university is convening committees to figure out how to mark the New School's centenary in 2019. The drive is being spearheaded by Marketing & Communications, and by Development, so that somewhat restricts the possibilities for complexity.

Anyway, a faculty committee convened today, and bandied about a few very general ideas. The powers that be have been working with the slogan "100 Years of New," which nobody loves and a few of us really don't like. Some think it's too backward-looking - shouldn't our focus be our next hundred years? I think that over a hundred years the least one could expect would be a grammar check. But if not that, what?

"Still New"

"Always New"

"New Century"

"Yesterday's New and Tomorrow's Too"

"New Again"

"All New, 2.0"

"100 Years New"