Wednesday, August 10, 2022


Proofreading a steady stream of translations doesn't quite made me an editor of the just published English edition of this lovely book, but since I was one of the people who got editor Eros Shaw to assemble the 2018 Chinese original, it makes a vague sort of sense. I'm happy to have contributed in any way I could to this important collection of LGBT Catholic narratives from Mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macau and "Overseas" (South Korea, Thailand, Malaysia, Australia, Canada). The editor, whom became a friend during my year in Shanghai, has since been involved with the Global Network of Rainbow Catholics - who will, we hope, ensure wide circulation of these tales from inspiring communities most have surely never imagined exist. 

(Why did the title change? Eros tells me the publisher, in Malaysia, thought the former too explicit for the English edition, since few would recognize it as a quotation from the Song of Songs. Instead the publisher suggested "Love is Love." Eros insisted on a biblical title, and so found Blessed Are Those Who Mourn, with the full line at the top for those unfamiliar: "for they will be comforted.")