Thursday, November 02, 2023

Driving while religious

On my way to pluralism and multiple religious belonging in "After Religion" today, we took a quick tour of the eponymous COEXIST bumper sticker. Students had watched a documentary about how a Polish poster designer's elegant monotheistic work became the rather more visually chaotic American phenomenon (not with his blessing) but it fell to me to introduce the world of COEXIST varieties, parodies and critiques. World religion logos repurposed as letters can spell TOLERANCE or CORNDOGS but also REPENT or even JESUS CHRIST.  
I settled for one from some cranky Evangelicals blaring CONTRADICT, conveniently posing the question that would lead us into exclusivism/ inclusivism/pluralism. But what was even more fun was thinking about these as bumper stickers, a quite specific form of (attenuated) communication. I remarked that, vague though it be, I'd rather share the road with someone sporting COEXIST than most bumper stickers - though one would need further research before predicting better road behavior. Seeing the US religious landscape as a highway was a bonus!