Friday, January 30, 2009


I just succumbed to a Facebook solicitation for the first time - perhaps because it didn't require that I give it access to all my information but rather asked me to supply "25 random things about me" (it came in the form of 25 random things about an ex-student and the injunction to keep this - what we used to call a chain letter - going); vanity won out over modesty and caution. One of my 25 random things was: "I still don't have an iPhone." Instead, I've taken a decisive step backward, buying a new Razr to take the place of the cheapo substitute I bought last summer when my last Razr died. The new one is unlocked, apparently, but actually pluralist or just confused: it says AT&T on the back and Cingular as you open it up, before giving me my T-Mobile account. I personalized it with a photo of some souvenirs brought to me by grateful (or ironic) students: action figures of Sigmund Freud and Moses, and, in the back, a glow-in-the-dark Virgin from Fatima, in Portugal. With that triumvirate of protectors, it should make me more accessible than I've been recently, as the cheapo phone, too, started to fall apart! Give me a call!