Sunday, January 25, 2009


I've already mentioned (Manhattanophile that I am) that you can see the Empire State Building from our new digs. (Yes - we've moved!) What I've since realized is that, as you come into the room where I'll be most of my time, it's the first thing you see, diagonally across the room. (It gets smaller as you approach and the the view broadens out and sky fills in.) The person who lived here before us left a photo, now faded and warped by sun, in the window through which the Empire State beckons - perhaps he forgot it. The first time I looked at it, I saw the skyscraper of Brooklyn, the Dime Savings Bank - the view of which has been effaced by a new building under construction now off to the far left. Had my predecessor taken it when he saw the construction begin, to remember that you once could see the Dime from here? But then I realized the photo was of something else, and the photo substantially older. Behind the Dime are the Twin Towers. You could see them from here. You could have seen their end.