Monday, January 19, 2015

Communist youth

Between two churchy things yesterday I happened to find myself on Middle Huaihai Road where a tiny little sign pointed to something called the Communist Youth League Central Authority Site Memorial Hall 青年团中央机关旧址. It was down the classic but unprepossessing alleyway at left and filled with predictable blow-up photos of young prophets and martyrs. The obligatory cut-away building with scenes of actors reenacting historic events was broken. But there was the exciting clay scene of young people forming a human dam above, and the stairwell was graced with a spectacular chandelier.

When I got home, an old high school had posted (on FaceBook) some photos she'd turned up from a Hallowe'en party back in the day (1980, anyone?). I reposted this one on WeChat, to which I'd early posted some images from the Youth League place, with the caption 我也小的时候参加了共产主义青年团 I too was part of a communist youth group when I was young. One friend who posted a delighted response said I sounded quite Chinese - but it turns out he thought it was an image from another diaorama. I guess it does have that classic, faded feel to it...!