Friday, November 02, 2018

Journey's end

My sophomore tutorial "Lives of Contemplation" wound up today - ten sabbaths we've spent together, with four visitors and one outing. We started with tangerines and, in the final weeks, have been more and more attentive to the Lang courtyard trees easing into Fall outside our window. It wasn't quite as dark as this photo make it seem (if so, students wouldn't have wanted the lights turned off). Indeed, our final discussion was filled with light. The students' final assignment was a reflection on the next five years of their life, and they seemed buoyed by the time we've spent reflecting together. The discussion brought together all the things the Sophomore Tutorials were designed to do: major and other choices at school, career leanings and plans, and broader life goals and concerns (like financial and emotional stability). In class I'd asked them to fill out a short questionnaire (when I snuck this photo) one of whose questions was how they'd describe the experience we'd shared with fellow students. "Journey of Contemplation," said one.