Saturday, March 08, 2008

Nice glass

I sent off the final revised version of my essay on Kant's theory of race yesterday! (Today I went to church, the Guggenheim, and my Sunday night friends' for dinner.) This was what the first 2 pages of the 4th version of this (itself the 3rd) draft looked like. I am anything but an efficient writer. If only the texts get better with every revision...
It's nice to finish something (I started this essay in summer 2006) and be forced to admit that it's not only a lot better than when it started, but actually, if I say so myself, pretty darn good. But please: don't ask me to look at it again!

Incidentally, a student asked about my book the other day ("book? what book?") and I told him I have a full draft but am afraid to look at it, since things that seem inspired when I write them seem anything but when I revisit them; and then, the inspired revisions seem anything but when I revisit them, and so on... Not sure if the glass is half full or half empty, I said, but I am convinced it is a very nice glass.