Friday, March 07, 2008

Leaping to conclusions

I suppose I should at least occasionally report on something that's happened that day, rather than the day before, so let me say that we had a meeting this morning about the Religious Studies program, with the four core faculty, seven students, the Associate Dean and the Dean-to-be, and it went very well. The college is restructuring its curriculum, and it will be a while (a few years) before Religious Studies is built up to be a major, but it will happen - we have our future dean's pledge. (Indeed, he said that he had taken many Religious Studies courses himself as an undergraduate and they have been very important to him, which made everyone very happy.) And in the meantime there are a variety of formats in which students can pursue a major-like or minor-like course of study in religion. Students were delighted and (so) so was I. No leap of faith required after all... maybe because I organized this meeting.