Friday, September 16, 2016

Path to Kailas

Went finally to one of New York's hidden jewels, the Nicholas Roerich Museum on West 107th Street - three floors of a brownstone, with 200 paintings in glorious colors. I know of Roerich (1874-1947) as he's the preferred painter of the Himalaya for many. He even has a series of paintings from the 1930s called Sacred Himalaya! (He also has a
remarkable history involving stage designs for Borodin and Stravinsky, a yoga-inspired school of all arts and a union of religions here in New York.) But I went also to see if there were any painting of Kailash. No - he never made it there, most of his craggy mountains are stylized anyway. But several are called "Path to Kailas"; I bought postcards.