Friday, October 09, 2020

19th floor drinks

For the past several months, the residents of our floor have been gathering for "socially distanced cocktails" on Fridays. It started when nobody was going out, and has survived into the more relaxed present. All of us have been out of town at least once, reporting on forgotten pleasures like eating in restaurants to our envious neighbors. After a while it became intermittent at best, and the mainstays decided that a monthly meeting might be better attended. Then the arrival of a new neighbor provided an excuse to choose a date: second Friday of the month. We officially welcomed her to the floor tonight, seven people spread along the walls of the elevator landing, each on their own chair with their own drink in hand - and masked, of course. The mood was festive until things wound down and one of us (it might have been me) said: same week next month? A month from now is the second Friday after November 3rd. How close the precipice is, all bets off.