Thursday, October 22, 2020

Family values

Pope Francis has endorsed civil unions for gay people in the most wonderful way:  

"They’re children of God and have a right to a family."

This isn't an official papal pronouncement, nor is it really a surprise given Francis' views before he became pope. It's also not marriage. But it's a big deal, as James Alison explains:

Francis’s position is inconceivable for someone who believes same-sex acts to be mortal sins, leading those involved to go to hell. If you believed those things you would seek to break up such couples, not stabilise them. ... The presenting issue is one of anthropology, and is fairly simple: either it is true that being gay or lesbian is a vicious or pathological form of a humanity which is only authentically heterosexual; or it is true that being gay or lesbian is simply something that is a non-pathological minority variant in the human condition. If the former, then “giving in” to being gay or lesbian is to follow the path of your objective disorder, and ultimately to exclude yourself from grace. If the latter, then becoming who you are starts from who you find yourself to be, including your sexual orientation, and the appropriate humanisation of your sexual desire will be worked out in appropriate relationships over time.