Saturday, October 03, 2020

Symphonic snatches

I'm not going to be able to do justice to what I just heard, any more than a photo taken facing into the sun, but let me try. We live diagonally across Broadway - just at the point where the northbound 1 train comes out in the open - from the Manhattan School of Music. That's their dorm in the middle of this picture, which lights at night confirm is nearly full. (In the background is the spire of Riverside Church.) Harder to make out is the terrace about two stories up, but if you look closely you might see some dark shapes. It's the orchestra, taking advantage of a crisp fall day for a rehearsal. The sound has to turn a corner and battle with passing traffic and trains, not to mention gusts of wind, but I recognize snatches that come through: Brahms' Fourth, and now Tchaikovsky's Fifth. Surreal but glorious.