Thursday, October 07, 2021

Smooth landing

After a long hiatus, we residents of the 19th floor have resumed our gatherings for socially distanced drinks. A lifeline during the time of "shelter in place," they fell by the wayside as we were able once again to connect with friends and colleagues across the city. At last week's gathering we found out about the apple tree in the gardens, learned of another family who'd lived in the apartment that is now ours over the past decades (a third one, and like the other two, now in a larger apartment in the same complex), but most importantly we completedthe décor of the landing. (Each floor has its own look.) The old furniture donated by the Englishwoman in unit C and the print (a wedding gift from Pete Seeger) contributed by our neighbor in F needed something to connect them. The dried flowers that perched there all of last year were depressing and dusty. Living plants have been volunteered but withered without natural light. Then I remem-bered I had a bright little bouquet of felt flowers bought years ago in the gift shop of the Rubin Museum and brought them out in triumph.