Just over three weeks to go, which seems to me a useless chunk of time. Three days I can manage or three months. Or three weeks in a place I don't know. (My India stay was just over three weeks.) Farewells to Melbourne friends are still premature but there's no point already getting stressed about what awaits in New York - finding a new apartment, renewing my driver's license (which lapsed a few months ago), catching up on what's happened with friends and school, ordering textbooks for my Fall courses - and figuring out what to say I've been up to this year off the map. It feels odd to be thinking about summing up "my time in Australia" when life goes on for my family and friends here. (I'll also need to decide whether or not to keep this blog going.)
Instead of watching the clouds out the window in wintry Melbourne, however dramatic, perhaps I should take a last-minute trip to Sydney! Since Melbourne's everything Sydney isn't (or so I'm told), that should get the juices flowing again. If I go next week (catching the Fête de la Musique) Melbourne will still have a week and a half for a retort!