Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Had lunch today at Souen, our local macrobiotic place. I was actually heading for another place but went one block too far - and a happy reunion! Souen is a Japanese-run macrobiotic restaurant full of hanging plants; it feels like a crunchy place in a far smaller city. Their food is achingly healthy, but manages to be very tasty, as well!

I used to go to Souen quite a lot, until I took a visiting scholar from Germany there, who started going on about the faschistisches Gedankengut of the "radical health-food subculture," and how certain kinds of far-right young people in Germany congregate at such restaurants. (Hitler was vegetarian, remember.) I'd just learned from a colleague who works on Indian religion of the ways in which yoga centers in America support right-wing Hindu political movements in India - materially but also spiritually! Golly. Can it be a crime to eat kale?