Thursday, January 10, 2019


The Brooklyn Museum is becoming a go-to place for Korean art - and a place to learn that Korean art is worth going to. Doh So Suk's 2003 "The Perfect Home II," a life-size recreation of his New York apartment in translucent fabric, was on my itinerary for a visit yesterday; I might return on a weekend when you can actually go in. (Remember his house precariously perched at UCSD?) But the revelation was another exhibit I stumbled on quite by accident, "Aggregations" by Kwang Young Chun.
Numberless triangular blocks of antique mulberry paper wrapped around wedges of plastic foam (the way medicines used to be wrapped up at pharmacies), brought together in a myriad of ways, these works took my breath away. "Aggregation 17-SEO78" (2017), above, particularly resonates with a part of the exhibit introduction which fascinated me.
Here are views of a few more, though two dimensions don't do them justice; the last is a detail of "Aggregation 17-SEO78."