Saturday, March 16, 2019

Forest of life

A facebooker who shares pictures of beautiful artwork from ages past posted this image of the Tree of Life in an amazing 16th century CE screen from the Sidi Saiyyid mosque in Ahmedabad. It's one of several works of Islamic art he's posted since the massacre in Christchurch, NZ, which took the lives of forty-nine Muslims of all ages at prayer in their mosques, and seriously wounded as many more. This Tree of Life is in a landscape of many kinds of blooming, happily entwined trees - you can almost hear the music of their different leaves rustling together in the gentle cooling breeze. A visual prayer for those killed and for a more peaceful pluralistic future - we've done it before. It's a remembrance also of the other children of Abraham, Christians and Jews, martyred by nihilistic white supremacists in their houses of worship.