Friday, April 05, 2019

Burning bridge

I had the pleasure today of talking a little about religion and the Anthropocene at the meeting of the Mid-Atlantic section of Science Education for New Civic Engagements and Responsibilities, which the New School was hosting. SENCER is a society for science educators committed to social justice, and a dozen came to a "fireside chat" on the daunting topic “Religious Studies as a Bridge Between STEM and Humanities in the Anthropocene." We had a little less than 30 minutes, so barely got through the title! But all was well. I'd brought a small stack of books, all identified on a handout (much appreciated all around). But mainly I had a great visual aid, inspired by the to me unfamiliar format of a "fireside chat." I looked up the famous Yule Log video made for suburbanites with TVs rather than fireplaces. My colleague K expanded it to fill the every large screen, making for an experience more terrifying than cosy. The cherry on top was an error message which suddenly popped up at the top of the screen: DISK NOT EJECTED PROPERLY. I remarked on all this as I opened the discussion. "Welcome to the Anthropocene!"