Monday, November 02, 2020

Spun out

Part of the wickedness of Trump era spin is that it so brazenly mirrors. (RealClearPolitics' effort to give voice to both sides accentuates this.) You say we're planning on stealing an election? We say you're planning on stealing an election. You say we lie? We say you lie. You say we're undermining the constitution? We say you're undermining the constitution. You say we're repressing votes? We say you're repressing votes. You say you're bound to win? We say we're bound to win. Part of its brilliance is that once Putinist whataboutism poisons the air, the other side thinks we're the ones turning reality on its head. Which way is up? Is there even an up any more? They have erased the horizon! I pray this war of attrition begins to lose force this week in the face of Biden's unfeigned and unspinnable blandness. Give decency a chance, for all our sakes.