Wednesday, January 06, 2021

American carnage, Chinese dream


From a German site: day of shame for America's democracy.

Germans know the fragility of democracy, and have been more attentive than we have to the damage Trump and his revolving door of goons and thugs have done not only to the image of the United States but to that of democracy. Putin must be happy beyond his wildest dreams, Xi too.

I'm not sure how the next two weeks will look, but I'm confident history will see all of the years of Trumpian shamelessness through today's appalling dénouement. How did we not see it was all leading to this? 

Or maybe even this is naive: there's no we, nor likely to be one for some time. Many still see this as part of an entirely different story. Reality remains fractured, broken. 

Wish us - that there may again be an us - luck as we limp forward.