This had its pleasures too - the last voices students heard were each other's, in more or less collaborative group presentations, working our way through the concentric circles of the project: Planet, Place, Partners, Persons, Practice. Each student got to choose a chapter they were particularly drawn to to discuss, but they also had to reflect together on their volume's range of texts, why they thought they were arranged as they were, how the volume fit into the larger series... and whether and how the Anthropocene was mentioned and thematized.
At the beginning of this semester, the concept of the Anthropocene felt too large and burdensome for me to acknowledge in a way that lacked panic or avoidance. Through our first assignment of locating ourselves in the Anthropocene, I was able to use the anecdote of my grandfather's birdwatching hobby to look at the Anthropocene through a binocular-like lens. By connecting our humanity to the climate crisis, I've noticed our class discussions fill with fewer sighs and more declarative statements of hope or productivity.
Throughout the course I’ve been sort of tormented by being pulled in both the directions of pessimism and optimism. It was a little bit easier pre this class to embrace willfully ignorant optimism, to believe no matter what I heard or thought to myself that things are going to get better. Now matter how awful the outcome is looking, and much closer we are to the clock above Union Square running out, somehow things would sort themselves out. ... Being aware of the fact that we were aware of what we were doing is just heartbreaking and humiliating. It makes me want to unironically scream. But a lot of the stuff in this class shifted me, ever so slightly, into a better point of view.
I used to harbor this cynical sense of hatred, guilt, and culpability in relation to the Anthropocene but through plenty of course material and looking within myself, I now choose to avoid complacency and remain active in my protests against imperialism, consumerism, pollution and human waste in the many ways I can in the choices I make.
The English language is noun dominant, and in comparison to many Indigenous languages, the animacy and agency of other beings and processes often receives less emphasis. ... the voices in these volumes point us toward an alternative perspective: kinship as a verb.
Perhaps this kinship-in-action should be called kinning. ... In this understanding, being kin is not so much a given as it is an intentional process. Kinning does not depend upon genetic codes. Rather, it is cultivated by by humans, as one expression of lifeamong many, many, many others, and it revolves around an ethical question: how to rightly relate?
So it all came together in a fragile hope!
But I have to say that I feel a little uneasy, as if any hope under the circumstances is a false one, as we live not only on borrowed time but stolen land where many relations have been irrevocably severed. There's much more to ponder - including the wisdom in making sure thinking about the Planet is always anchored in, and anchors, Practice! Courses wrap, but not this material. As it happens I'll have chances to work more on all this, as the students' responses moved me to decide to run "Anthropocene Humanities" again next Fall - and Renmin's just come through with a chance for me to repeat the condensed summer school version for Chinese students, too.