Monday, June 10, 2024

Westward view

New York City has too much light for us to be able to see stars so I make do with the stars gleaming through the dark canopy of Georgia O'Keeffe's "The Lawrence Tree," my long-time favorite poster. A little sun faded in its first place in this apartment balcony, it's placed to complement our city sky now. I think I picked it up forty years ago, in Santa Fe, only five years ago learning that the painting can be placed any-which-way-up, and perhaps best the inverse of what's on the poster. This poster shows what you might observe standing, looking up a tree. But the inverse is the view when you're lying beneath a tree with your head touching the trunk, rising with its energy skyward.

Very excited I'll have a chance to reacquaint myself with such vertiginous glories this summer, as my high school class will be celebrating our 40th (sic!) graduation anniversary. I'm going!