Monday, September 09, 2024

Religious umami

This year's "Theorizing Religion" draws students from all over the university. I appreciated the wealth of passion and experience this brings when I asked them today, during a round of introductions today (we haven't seen each other in two weeks, because of the Labor Day holiday), to tell the class about another class they were enjoying this semester. I know our students (and curriculum) are wild but still wasn't prepared for this feast:

Multi-Disciplinary Calculus •• The Blues Aesthetic •• Marketing and Branding •• Dubied Machine Knitting •• Catholic Saints and their Cults •• Immersive Storytelling (Virtual Reality) •• American Dream Soundtrack •• Umami Studies •• Social Media Empires •• Advanced Screen Printing •• Philosophy and Tragedy •• The Politics of Wounds •• Fine Arts Thesis Workshop •• Woodworking •• Qualities of Water

I don't even know what many of these are! We learned that the "umami studies" class includes a mushroom foraging trip and a student kindly showed me the work she'd done with the Dubied knitting machine after class... But what a fun context for exploring implicit and explicit understandings of religion. 

(The images above are drafts for covers of a book on religion we came up with.)