Friday, January 17, 2025


Some trees from the China trip, in the order I saw them. 

 Shanghai's plane trees

Made-to-order woods in front of the newly opened Shanghai Museum East in Pudong.

A 500 year old cypress at the Confucius temple in Quzhou. 

Gnarled and thriving tree - its trunk mostly hollow - at Wuyishan

Perfect cone

A thousand-year-old tree in Wuyishan, beneath which a Daoist temple has recently been rebuilt.

Fernful tree at Wuyishan.

Some of the trees doing their thing atop and beneath the Danxia of Wuyishan

Reminder that Wuyishan's is a humid subtropical forest 

Fantasy trees (hand painted) at Xiamei Ancient Town near Wuyishan

Representatives of the thousands upon thousands of recently planted trees we saw along newly laid roads. housing complexes and parks, all propped up by pyramids of bamboo

A closer-up view of the base of the Chinese banyan I showed you a few days ago. An artist has garlanded it with an oyster shell dragon.

Convivial Chinese banyan cluster in a park in Quanzhou.

The west pagoda of Kaiyuan Temple in Quanzhou, framed by some young Chinese banyans in early morning light.

Base of an 800-year-old banyan at Kaiyuan.

Mountain reminder that, thanks to the Great Leap Forward, old growth forests are as good as nonexistent in most of China.

Millennarian tree at Cao'an Buddhist temple (the one with the image of Mani).

Even palm trees get replanted and propped up.

 Call for a different relationship to trees at Wuyishan Museum