Sunday, October 12, 2014


Some pics from yesterday's expedition to the 玉佛禅寺 Yufo Temple, known also as the "Jade Temple" because of a large jade Buddha it received from Burma in the 19th century.

Before we go in perhaps you'd like to pick up one of these mongo incense towers for sale outside?
First view
Some people suddenly appear bearing bags of offerings to be burnt.
Some monks make some monky sounds as a tour operator ignores them.
Their offering made, the bag people have left their offerings aflame while another woman continues burning spirit money sheet by sheet.
Devotion in one of the side rooms selling every kind of Buddhist thing.
Ancestral hall
Carving in the special hall for the Jade Buddha
Buddhist information
Buddhas in the main hall
The monks assemble for a brief sutra recitation
Someone's offering candles
My souvenir: instant "auspicious noodles" 消除安全隐患保护性修缮工程开工典礼 the consumption of which evidently constitutes a ceremony to start eliminating hidden safety risks and do protective good works

More offerings for sale on the road in front of the temple.