Tuesday, October 01, 2019


At the festive opening of the centennial "Festival of New" this morning, something remarkable happened. In semio-scripted and off the cuff remarks by assembled deans, provost, president and chair of the student senate (faculty and staff were not represented) none of the usual suspects at the scene in 1919 were mentioned (John Dewey, Charles Beard, James Harvey Robinson, Thorstein Veblen) but Clara Mayer was, several times! Kudos to all who have recovered the memory of the woman who, for nearly four decades, helped make the New School what it was - only to be written out of the story for another six. She's such a hot property now, the dean of one of the divisions she wasn't involved in told me as we munched commemorative babka after the festivities, that everyone wants to claim her! There's some kind of justice in this.