Wednesday, October 23, 2019


Behold Daan Roosegaarde's interesting, slightly stunt-y media installation WATERLICHT at Columbia's Lenfest Center for the Arts. As steam, swirling and eddying in gusts of breeze, meets slowly undulated sheets of LED light it can seem like waves, or like fast-motion films of storm systems. Flickers and flashes of Buddhist epistemology! It's supposed to make one think about rising seas, I think, and in its original iteration on a broad square in Amsterdam evoked the sea much of the Netherlands would already be under, but for dykes. In the somewhat less open plaza at Lenfest, with wind, eddying around buildings and young trees sparkling as their branches and leaves caught the LEDs, it was more entertaining than thought-provoking. But a fun thing to stroll over to - it's just down the road from our new digs!