Saturday, May 23, 2020

Hot off the presses

Academic publishing is sooooo slow.

I can illustrate with a few things which have appeared recently, or will soon. The introduction I wrote to Horace Kallen's article on toleration for the Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal took something like a year. My piece on the reception history of Job for the just published Wiley Blackwell Companion to Wisdom Literature took more like two. As for my essay on doing philosophy of religion in the anthropocene, whose proofs I just sent back, it will end up having been more like three
- assuming it appears this year! (And that's not counting from when the papers were originally presented, at a conference in February 2016.)

So much for academic publishing! By contrast the foreword my friend J and I wrote for the e-Book reprint of Alvin Johnson's autobiography, Pioneer's Progress, which we submitted Thursday, is out already. Two days! (You can buy it here, or just read our introduction here.) Whiplash!!