Monday, September 07, 2020


I've found a fun new Mandarin app. News stories are presented at various HSK levels (I'm at level 4), with an audio recording, grammar notes and a set of effective exercises on comprehension, vocabulary and sentence structure. They choose good stories, too! So far I've done:


Pit converted into amusement park in Changsha


Cargo ship crashes into west bank of Huangpu River in Shanghai


Goat milk infant formula rises in popularity in China


Shanghai companies enter legal battle over xiaolongbao trademark


Cats accompany lonely readers at Tianjin library

and, since not all entertaining news happens in China,


German wild boar became internet star, fans saved its life

I didn't of course know most of the topical vocabulary for all these, but the app helps you out seamlessly, and I was able to figure out what was going on in all of them without difficulty... reading, at least. (Which isn't to say I got all the comprehension questions right the first time.) Listening comprehension is still the biggest challenge for me, though it must do something to listen a few times in a daze, read through the vocabulary, listen again, and then start of make sense of things.

I'm learning some important new words, like 新冠疫情 (xīnguān yìqíng), COVID-19 epidemic situation, and newsy phrases like 据了解 (jù liǎojiě), which has cropped up several times, is unhelpfully rendered it's understood that in dictionaries, and must correspond, judging from its use in these stories, to "apparently" or “reports suggest" or perhaps "it would appear." 

Like all the Chinese language learning materials I've used, the site furnishes translations of none of its texts (just vocabulary and grammar), so I'm having to feel my way to understanding from the inside. These texts are just the right length and level for me to do a new one each day, so I think I'll soon get how "it's understood"!

(The image is unrelated, from our Saturday Central Park jaunt.)