Friday, October 30, 2020

Last week

I've been posting in the blog this week as if this were any week but of course it's anything but, something which has become clearer and clearer as conversations with students in and out of class wind down, as they always do, with "next week..." What world will we find ourselves in next Wednesday, Friday? As we contemplate the uncertainties of next week, the current week seems like the last week before something new and, at least for a time, terrifying. "I'm afraid we're going to be in a civil war," said one student this morning, naming my greatest fear. "I sort of hope we will be," replied another, confirming it. I don't know what miracle to pray for. The shambling but steady functioning of democracy which I've grown up counting on now feels like a miracle, too.

(10/31: I added the picture of Grant's Tomb for its inscription LET US HAVE PEACE.)