Monday, April 04, 2022

Sukkah punch

Had occasion to revisit an event from twelve years ago in "Religion and Ecology" today. Our general topic for today's session was Jewish environmentalisms. I've been trying to get the students to think both religion and ecology in more practice- and less belief-defined ways, so I remembered the "Sukkah City" competition in Fall 2010 when a dozen new takes on the ceremonial "booths" for the Sukkot holiday were erected on Union Square. (This is a picture I took then of my favorite, made entirely of carpenters' shims.) Several students remembered sukkahs from their childhoods but for most it was an exciting new discovery: a temporary religious structure designed to let starlight in, to which one moves as much of one's life as one can for a whole week each year? How might having this as part of your life shape your understanding of vulnerability, nature, community, time?