Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Cheese mad

In my Chinese text book, which dates from a different era (lots of reform and opening), I found an old phonetic rendering of the English word cheese 


Perhaps the author is purposely using characters which have their own extreme meaning - above is what my Pleco dictionary says. 

This appears at the end of an account of the "five tastes" of Chinese food, wondering if there isn't perhaps a sixth, "stinky." The example is the "stinky tofu" whose aroma befouls many a Shanghai alley, and the author finds it similarly repellant, but is also proud of having managed to eat some.  I have eaten the smelliest "quisi" (cheese) in America. Western people cover their noses when they smell it but to me it was nothing - it doesn't come close to "stinky tofu." I have to agree!