Monday, March 20, 2023


Surely not just because I like trees, this large work of clay sculpture, from the second floor of the National Museum of Anthropology, has stayed with me as I reflect on our trip to Mexico. It's a work by Miguel Ángel Gutiérrez called "El Arbol" from Metepec, representing the "ethnic diversity and cultural wealth" of contemporary Mexico. On its base are words from a famous 18th century painting about mestizaje

En la América nacen gentes diversas
en color, costumbres, genios, y lenguas. 
Leyenda del quadro I de la Serie de Castas, José Joaquin Magón

It's quite wonderful to lose yourself as you find one unexpected thing after another in it - a basketmaker, temples, a car race, protesters, butterflies, musicians, a feast - all while a Rivera-like crowd of figures of all colors looks down at you from atop the maize-cross tree. The NMA's second floor is dedicated to living indigenous cultures; we found this on a quick peek at a few of its rooms. More reason to return!