Tuesday, July 02, 2019


My second stint at Renmin University's International Summer School got off to a somewhat understated start yesterday. Where I had thirty-odd enthusiastic students last year, this year there are only four officially enrolled! I learned about this a few weeks ago but was told that numbers were lower across the board this year, but registration was still open... I worried that I might be collateral damage of the trade war, having heard rumors (apparently unsubstantiated) of Chinese netizens patriotically boycotting KFC and McDonald's, but now that I've arrived I've learned the true reason. The great majority of the students taking liberal arts classes in the International Summer School are rising sophomores, but this year sophomores students can't participate.
Why not? Because the People's Republic of China turns seventy in August, a celebration which will be attended by vast parades - including platoons of college students. Preparation for the parade will happen during the time usually devoted to the desultory but compulsory military training all university students must undergo. Rising sophomores' military training has been moved forward into the time of the ISS. Poor things - two back to back tours of marching duty sounds like a long march indeed! Meanwhile I'm already reconciling myself to the intimate possibilities of a seminar. (The pictures are from the ISS opening reception; dragon and dolphins are carved and painted styrofoam.)