Friday, April 17, 2020

First impressions

We're getting better at this online thing. (We have to!) Today my friend J and I went to speak to the class of next Fall's orientation fellows -
Except of course we didn't go anywhere, just joined their zoom class. But we managed to have a fun encounter, even structuring it around experiences and questions of the people in the room, in part with the
help of a nifty little program called padlet - which I learned about from one of my students earlier in the week! In just three minutes at the
start of our time together, we "heard" from everyone! (They called up the padlet from these links or the QR codes above.) The padlets soon
filled up with more answers to our ice breaker questions than you could ever get in a live classroom, giving us material to work with (I also snuck some in, like "John Dewey"), all while letting the students enjoy the
sense of being in class with each other. What fun! Now how to resist the temptation to begin every online group encounter this way?!