Thursday, March 11, 2021

Covid 365

The newspapers are full of reflections on the year that covid knocked us off our feet - March 11th was the day WHO officially declared the world was in pandemic - and reports from when "people knew" that something bad was starting. On March 11th last year, I had my last in-person class, although I'd told the students to stay home (I had a visitor who was willing to talk to an empty room). We'd learned the day before that our classes after Spring break would be online for at least a few weeks. It was still a few days before the last in-person service at Holy Apostles. My last trip to school was still six days away. And yet already on March 11th last year I had intimations, and some crocuses in Washington Square Park, which in any other year would have delighted me, instead made me think of coronaviruses...

According to the Johns Hopkins site, 2,628,363 souls have been lost to covid, 530,624 of them in the United States. May they Rest In Peace.