Friday, September 08, 2023

Eden before Eden

Rebecca Solnit saw the vast Colorado aspen colony known as Pando 
recently. Here's what she wrote and some images she shared on FB.

I love aspens as the only tree that wears eyeliner and for so many other reasons including the music of their leaves in the breeze and the way those leaves shimmer and this particular forest happens to be Pando, the world's largest and oldest known living thing, since it's genetically a single organism that's been cloning itself for ten thousand years until it covers a hundred and eight acres (each tree is really a shoot from the great underground interconnectedness of it all).
And so please apply a forest under a wide sky in a remote place with deep time all around it to whatever might make you feel a tiny bit compressed today ... A forest that was old when the things we call civilization were very young and new, a forest that stood still while we all rushed around and made messes and occasionally cleaned one up, a forest that is still a sort of Eden that was one long before the story of the Garden of Eden. A forest that looked back at me the whole time I was wandering and gazing upon its beauty and magnificence and mystery.