Sunday, July 21, 2024

Biden his time

Excuse the iPhone reflection in the window, but this burst of sun through what had been dark clouds demands to be posted! For this is the day Joe Biden proved himself truly presidential by bowing out of the 2024 race. While he mulled the decision, the future seemed pretty bleak. I could imagine his dudgeon - one of the most effective presidents in a very long time, aided by a remarkably stable and competent cabinet, receiving no thanks from anyone, including members of his own party. And did I mention that he came into a country in economic and medical free-fall, with no help in the transition from his coup-coveting predecessor, who has spent the intervening years persuading a significant proportion of the electorate that the 2020 election was stolen? "I get no respect!" I pictured Biden thinking, and then, because he's capable of thinking beyond that, making the difficult but right choice. Americans, used to the endless campaign, may think 100 days too little to build a campaign, but most countries conduct their elections in this shorter time-frame. Perils remain in plenty from the coup plotters' side but the sun's out again. Thank you, Joe. Keep up the good work, and may we see it continue.