Saturday, July 27, 2024


Started the first day of this 2-day reunion taking a friend for a familiar early morning walk. The walk goes up behind the school to a little chapel, left over from when the campus was a Catholic seminary, then up a ridge to a view in three directions - plains to the east, mountains to the west, our school in the middle. 

The friend is in Norway(originally from Jamaica), so all was mediated by WhatsApp. I paused over flowers, abundant after what's been an unusually wet summer (so wet we were told we might be evacuated because of flash flooding), a few round mushrooms, the sun breaking out over a ridge, and of course trees, all conifers. On attaining the little viewpoint I sat down, still with the camera away from me, and we found we were looking at this Hiroshige-worthy window of piñon pine. You could see the school below, but the scene's truth was here.